How it works

Schnapps is a library that allows to connect service methods - named handlers, in a chain-like structure. The bundle acts as a pipeline, where each handler's output serves as input to the next handler. The bundle can be reused or extended. It can be used with Express, Hapi, or with any other framework that's based on request-response cycle.
A handler is a function, similar to Express's middleware, it accepts four parameters : request, response, next, errorCallback, data. The fourth parameter is the input data passed by the previous handler. The main difference however is that Schnapp's handlers use next() to pass data the next handler, and errorCallback() for throwing errors. While Express uses next() to pass controll, or to throw an error if any input data is provided (i.e. next(error)). This is a major difference, and should not be confused when working with Schnapps.
Request and Response objects depend on the framework used. Schnapps does not interact whith those objects, it passes them as input to its handlers. Therefore if Schnapps is connected to Hapi, each hanlder will receive request and h as first and second parameter respectively.


Let's assume we want to build a JWT authentication mechanism for our API, having three access roles: USER, MANAGER, ADMIN. We'll start by breaking down our authentication flow into steps, for each step we'll write a handler function. Think of a handler function as service method, where each method is responsible for a specific task:
  1. First we need to parse our request object and substract our Bearer Token
  2. Then we'll try to decode the token and substract userId and role
  3. And last, we need to check wether the user is allowed to access the route, by checking its role
For each step we'll create a handler - keeping in mind that the output of each handler serves as input to the next handler.
Now let's connect them all together
In this example we have connected all handlers into a single controller. But it's not always in handy to write all those handlers for every route a user can access. Let's split our controller into reusable parts so whenever we need a secured route we could simply "extend" our authentication controller.
Note that a constructor function accepts anoter controller or handler function as input. In fact, it accepts any number of controllers and handlers. The resutling controller will inherit all handlers in the same order as they where declared in the constructor function.
Now let's extend our authentication flow, so we can re-use it in our app
And for the final part, let's connect our controllers to the framework

Non-linear flows

There are many cases where the flow is conditioned by the input data. Let's say we are building a community platform, where each user can refer new users and receive bonus points. Besides users, we have affiliate parteners who can also refer users and receive a commission. Therefore, our data flow is conditioned wether the registering user has provided a referrer id or not. The second condition will be based on the role of the referrer : simple users receive bonus ponints, parteners receive commissions, as in the diagram below:
Responsive image
We can use next() to pass another controller object like so: next(controller, { someInptData });. Let's replicate the same flow using Schnapps. We'll start by defining each block as a separate controller.

Using Stores

Stores are temporary data holders. Think of a store as temporary data attachet to the request object - like a session. As long as the request-responce cycle is in progress you can access the stored data. Once the cycle is over, the data is disposed along with the request object.
Session Store - extends request object with a session object and a setSession() method
Shared Store - Similar to session store it extends request object with a shared object and a setShared() method. Altho it has the same structure as the session store, its purpose is to store, share and aggregate data between handlers. For example we need to create a route in which we return detailed information about a user, alog with its current balance. Assuming that we already have a service that given a userId will return user's details, and a similar service which returns user's balance. Let's create a controller that re-uses those services

Global error handler

As mentioned in the first example - end() and catch() are optional for any controller and this is true - since we have access to response object in any handler (altho for a cleaner code we do recomend using .end() for handling responses). What if we don't want to handle errors on each controller ? The solution is really simple with Schnapps - we just need to define a global error handler. This way, controllers which do not have an explicit error handler defined will fallback to global error handler.

More cool stuff

Use controller as a promise. and .catch()
Or convert it to an Express middleware. .end() and .catch()
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